Backup Power Solutions for Homeowners in Reno, NV & Nearby
Few things are as essential to you and your family’s well-being as a reliable source of electricity. Keeping the lights on and power flowing to your devices, appliances, and other electronics such as security systems is more than just a luxury—it’s a matter of vital necessity. Unfortunately, grid-supplied homes are dependent on a utility for electricity, which leaves them vulnerable to outages. Without a solar energy system, blackouts can leave households dependent on store-bought batteries and candles until power is restored. Even homes with a grid-tied solar system can be at the mercy of utility outages if the power goes out at night and the system lacks a backup battery.
At Aspen Electric, we can provide reliable home power backup solutions for Reno, Nevada, residents and nearby communities such as Sparks. Whether you are completely dependent on a utility company or have a grid-tied solar system, we have a home power backup solution that’s right for you.
Be Prepared for a Power Outage
If you don’t have or want solar, be prepared for an emergency with a backup power generator. These differ from portable generators in that they are installed permanently and are always ready to kick into action. With a generator installation from Aspen Electric, you’ll never have to worry about essential systems going out, even during a citywide outage. An automated generator can sense a power outage and seamlessly keep all of your electrical systems working properly. One of our technicians will visit your home to evaluate your power needs and review options that best suit your home and your budget. You’ll be able to choose from several different makes and models.
Reach out to 775-870-1064 to find out if you can benefit from a backup generator.
No Solar System Is Complete Without a Battery Backup
If you have a solar energy system that’s attached to the utility grid in Reno and Sparks, NV, we can retrofit your existing system with batteries. We offer options from industry leaders Fortress and SimpliPhi. Renowned for their power storage capacities, reliability, and safety, any of these emergency backup power supply choices will keep your home up and running no matter what time of day – or night – an outage occurs.
Trust the Pros for All Your Electrical Needs
Our experienced staff of electricians will complete the installation of your new home backup power solution quickly and flawlessly and test everything thoroughly to ensure it’s properly integrated into your existing power system.
Being prepared Is Being Safe
Going without electricity is a dangerous game to play. With a backup power generator or battery, you always will have access to:
- Lighting
- Power outlets
- Heating and cooling
- Refrigeration and appliances
Talk to Aspen Electric about an emergency generator installation today. We’ll make sure you’re never in the dark during a power outage in Reno and Sparks, NV.